Jaujac, Ardèche
Opening : All year round, daily.
Discover the exceptional heritage of the Ardeche young volcanoes! For each of the 7 volcanoes, take a trail to discover imposing basalt flows, ancient craters and waterfalls, in the heart of the Monts d'Ardèche Unesco Park.
They are located in three areas: La Montagne d'Ardèche, L'Ardèche des sources et volcans and Bassin d'Aubenas. Earn your Explorer's badge by punching the Jeunes Volcans d'Ardèche Explorer's Pass at the terminals provided on each volcano. Collect them from the Tourist Offices in the areas concerned.
- Pets welcome
- Pets accepted: Yes
- Pets allowed (supplementary payment): Unknown
- French
Conquer the 7 Ardeche volcanoes !
Maison du Parc naturel régional des Monts d'Ardèche
Château de Rochemure
07380 Jaujac