Professional Space

Welcome to the page dedicated to tourism professionals from the Tourist Office! We have created this space to meet the needs of all local stakeholders looking to develop their tourism-related activities.

Whether you are involved in creation, marketing, promotion, or simply wish to stay informed about regulations and standards, we are here to assist you. On this page, you will find information about our mission and objectives as the Tourist Office.

Our mission


Rental Management

Our offers


Tourist tax

The Purpose of the Tourist Office

Amis en Ardèche

Unforgettable Getaways

We take pride in promoting the tourist attractions of our region and showcasing its cultural, natural, and heritage treasures to visitors. Our goal is to ensure that every visitor leaves satisfied with their stay, having discovered the highlights of our region and having had a unique and memorable tourist experience.

Partnership Guide

Visibilité touristique

Enhance Your Visibility

A partnership with the Tourist Office can offer numerous benefits for local businesses. Firstly, the tourist office enjoys significant visibility among both visitors and residents. By collaborating with the tourist office, businesses can tap into this audience and enhance their own visibility. Additionally, the Tourist Office can provide marketing and promotional tools to help businesses further raise their profile.

Rencontre avec des producteurs locaux sur le marché du village de caractère de Jaujac en Ardèche lors de l'événement l'Ardèche s'invite au Menu

Create Exclusive Experiences

Another advantage of partnering with the Tourist Office is the opportunity to collaborate in developing new tourist offerings. Local businesses can work with the Tourist Office to create tourist packages or events that showcase local attractions and draw in new visitors. By working together, businesses and the Tourist Office can maximize their impact and contribute to strengthening the overall tourist destination.

Availability Management

This tool allows you to easily and efficiently manage the availability of your accommodations in real-time, providing a better user experience.

Mise à jour disponibilités

The Tourist Office helps you grow your business.

Promotion touristique

Marketing and Promotion

The Tourist Office provides marketing and promotion services for local businesses looking to increase their visibility among visitors. This can involve inclusion in Tourist Office brochures, online advertising campaigns, promotional videos, and social media posts. Local businesses can also receive advice and assistance in improving their online presence and developing effective marketing strategies.

Marketing touristique

Tourism Development

L’Office de Tourisme peut aider les entreprises locales à développer de nouveaux produits touristiques pour les visiteurs. Cela peut inclure la création de packages touristiques, l’organisation d’événements spéciaux et la mise en place de circuits touristiques. L’Office de Tourisme peut fournir des informations sur les tendances touristiques actuelles et les attentes des visiteurs, ainsi que des conseils sur la conception et la promotion des produits touristiques.

Formation touristique

Consultation and Support

L’Office de Tourisme peut offrir des services de formation et de conseil aux entreprises locales pour les aider à améliorer leurs pratiques en matière de tourisme. Cela peut inclure des formations sur la gestion de la qualité de service, la gestion des relations avec les clients, le développement durable et la responsabilité sociale des entreprises. L’Office de Tourisme peut également fournir des conseils sur les réglementations touristiques locales et les bonnes pratiques commerciales pour aider les entreprises à réussir dans l’industrie du tourisme.

Certification, Ranking, and Referencing…

Labélisation gites


We assist lodging providers in obtaining quality labels such as Gîtes de France or Clé Vacances. These labels enable lodging providers to guarantee a high level of quality for their clients and stand out from the competition. The tourist office can support lodging providers through all the steps of the certification process, from preparing the documentation to implementing quality criteria.

Classement hébergement


Atout France is the national organization responsible for classifying tourist accommodations based on their level of comfort and services. The tourist office can assist local lodging providers in obtaining this classification by guiding them through the application process. Classification allows lodging providers to showcase their offerings to visitors. Several organizations are accredited for the classification of furnished tourist accommodations; you can find them here.

Classement chambre d'hôte


Referenced bed and breakfasts are quality accommodations known for their comfort and hospitality. The tourist office can assist local lodging providers in obtaining this reference by evaluating their accommodation according to specific quality criteria. Referencing allows lodging providers to increase their visibility and reputation among customers, tourism partners, and the media.

Tourist Tax

Our community of municipalities is subject to the tourist tax, which applies to all visitors over 18 years of age staying for one or more nights, whether it’s in seasonal rentals, bed and breakfasts, hotels, campgrounds, motorhomes, tourist residences, or holiday villages. This tax is collected from visitors and transferred to the local authority to fund tourism development initiatives.

Taxes de séjour en ardèche, hôtels et autres hébergements

A question about the tourist tax?

A dynamic calendar

Promote your events

Are you an association or organization hosting events? Let your activities be known to a wider audience through the Tourist Office, the essential link between your events and the general public. Send us all the necessary information to update our calendar. Contact us now to reach a broader local and tourist audience..

Evénements en Ardèche

They trust the Tourist Office

  • Les co'pains
  • Lauren Bes
  • Muse et coquelicot
  • Le Myrtillier
  • Dédé l'Ardéchois
  • Massif Central Randonnées - Olivier Mathis
  • Atelier St theophrede
  • Christophe Bocaly - Ard Roc
  • Cécile Decarme - Ardèche d'Autrefois
  • Cécile Garnier
  • Cimes et Canyon
  • Lotus Power
  • Clémentine Causse - Atelier
  • Leni Cermandes - Luthier
  • Alex de l'Auberge de Montpezar
  • Claude Brioude
  • Isabelle Rochaso
  • Intraterrestres

Discover how we can assist you in developing your tourism business and achieving your goals. Our mission is to promote the tourist attractions of our region and provide visitors with a unique and memorable experience. Partnering with the Tourist Office, you will benefit from increased visibility, marketing and promotional tools, as well as collaboration opportunities to develop new tourist offerings. We also offer marketing, training, and consulting services, along with guidance on industry regulations and best practices.