Upcycling prises et Cie
Ucycling lampes et Cie
Tableaux visages Upcycling
Portrait de Fifi Giroud
Logo ampoule blanche sur fond rouge de l'Atelier Regarde cet allumé

Shops in Montpezat-sous-Bauzon, Ardèche

Opening : All year round.

Fifi, a quiet little guy, a kind of anarchist, a kind of artbrutist who's peridolically funny and tender! In his cheerfully disorganised workshop, lamps, sculptures and characters are created from recycled materials.

At the beginning, there are the finds. Years of building sites, wandering around disused sites, metal salvage shops, attics and pavements (that's what makes him happy, but shame on you for not taking the time to go to the waste centre!)

These materials and pieces accumulate in her world, some of them having been there for years, waiting to be assembled into a new creation. His aim is to give a second life to objects that are often destined for the rubbish bin. He loves what has lived, these forgotten objects that he saves by reanimating them for a resurrection. It's a kind of thumbing of the nose at over-consumption...

It's by dismantling and dissecting objects that he finds these diabolically pareidolic little pieces!
There are treasures waiting for me inside our scraps!
His work is all finesse, all his assemblies are screwed, bolted, tied, riveted and crimped, but no glue or soldering.
For the pleasure of the eye, the poetry, the humour that will hopefully bring smiles....so rare in these gloomy times.
Let's be serious, let's stay lit!

Ps People often ask him... pareidolia is the art of seeing faces everywhere, in clouds, rocks etc... He discovers looks in all these rooms...

  • Pets accepted: Unknown

Workshop Regarde cet allumé

1650 route de champagne
07560 Montpezat-sous-Bauzon

Directions to this location : Google Maps Apple Maps Waze

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