oiseau de paradis, fleur ©pixabay
Meyras - Piscine thermale au soleil couchant ©naimikoprod ©stnb
Meyras - Thermes de Neyrac-les-Bains - douche thermale ©naimikoprod ©stnb
Meyras - Piscine thermale contre-jour ©naimikoprod ©stnb
Meyras - thé à l'accueil spa des thermes de neyrac les bains ©altimax©stnb
Meyras - Sauna aux thermes de neyrac les bains ©altimax©stnb

Sporting activities in Meyras, Ardèche

Opening : From 22/04 to 16/11/2024, daily.

Choose your olfactory universe to constitute your paradise of well-being at the Thermes de Neyrac-les-Bains:
• 1 sensory scrub
• 1 comforting wrap
• 1 gentle massage (30 min)
• 1 Access to the Spa

One price: 99 €.
  • Bank/credit card
  • Cheque
  • Chèques Vacances
  • Paypal
  • Car park
  • Parking
  • Pets accepted: No
  • Pets allowed (supplementary payment): Unknown
  • Not accessible in a wheelchair

Wellness day : Lost Paradise at the thermal baths of Neyrac

Thermes de Neyrac-les-Bains
300, ronde du Parc
07380 Meyras

Directions to this location : Google Maps Apple Maps Waze