Confiture de la myrtilleraie, productrice dans le village de Péreyres en Ardèche : produits locaux, confitures, fromages de chèvre...
La myrtilleraie_Péreyres

Producer in Péreyres, Ardèche

Opening : From 10/01 to 31/01, daily between 10 am and 6 pm.

From 01/03 to 30/11, daily between 10 am and 6 pm.

La Myrtilleraie makes and sells jams, compotes, soups and chutneys from insecticide-free fruit and vegetables.
From April 2024, you'll be able to find goat cheeses sold directly from the farm.

A whole range to discover:
Goat's cheese.
Pumpkin and pâtisson soups, blueberry apple compotes, plum apple compotes, apricot apple compotes.
Jams of blueberries, chestnuts, plums, chocolate apples, espelette pepper apples, ginger.
Rosemary and apple jelly.
Chestnuts au naturel.
Pork pâté.

  • Bank/credit card
  • Cheque
  • Cash
  • Car park
  • Tourist brochures
  • Tourist information
  • Sales on site
  • Table d'hôte
  • Restaurant
  • Picnic hampers
  • Pets welcome
  • Pets accepted: Yes
  • Animal reception conditions:
    Please be sure to keep your pets on a leash
  • Possibility of drop-off in front of the site

La myrtilleraie

155 Chemin de la Fabrique
Quartier Le Chambon
07450 Péreyres

Directions to this location : Google Maps Apple Maps Waze

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